Friday, October 16, 2009


My hua hua and mi mi were having SUN bathing.

Cool ...

The miao mi (mi mi) was a birthday present from my beloved mum, bro and 2 sis.
The flower (hua hua) is from my beloved.
I love the presents but I love them more.
I am blessed cause I have you as my family.

Monday, October 5, 2009


A : 小姐,你掉了东西。
B : 是吗?我掉了什么?
A : 笑容... 你的脸上没有笑容, 你一定是把它给掉了...



no 妒嫉、no 骄傲、no 怨恨、no猜疑 no No NO



Thursday, October 1, 2009

GOD's time

I've been thinking about CUPCAKE this whole week...

On 29-Sept-2009 night, before I slept, I took The Upper Room out from my bag and started to read. Surprisingly, the 1st sentence says:" One day, I learned an important lesson about baking a cake..." Oh, God was talking something to me... my mind was concentrating about baking & promoting cupcakes and yet He wants me to learn a lesson from 'baking cake'.

Be patient in waiting God's answer to our prayer.
We always want a "quick fix" from God when a hasty response might make matters worse.
Just like a baking a cake...

God's timing is the best, neither too late nor too early.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and He will act. Psalm 37:5
当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。 诗篇 37:5


From Flickr- Innocentcharmer's photostream


我自认有一点art的基因(天生@没受过训练),又有连自己都受不了的“完美主意”(俗称yim jim),所以应该还蛮适合做cupcake的吧。 因为只有具备yim jin 的味蕾和审美观的烘焙师傅才能做出一个“好的cupcake”。。。 :p         pai se >_<

哈哈。。。!希望表弟赶快把妈妈的kitchen mixer还回来,师傅要登场lor~